Navigating the Mount Creation Menu

Certain servers that have the animation base installed may choose to disable local animations. You will be able to see this in the server management tab

The mount creation menu allows you to create your very own custom animation mount from models that may or may not exist on your PC.



1) Addon Master List

This is a list of all the addons you currently have subscribed and mounted, including the Base Game. Clicking on one of these will update the directory view.

2) Directory View

The list of directories available to you from the selected master addon. Clicking these will update the file view.

3) File View

The list of all the files within the currently selected directory. Right clicking these will allow you to mount them as specific entries.

4) Name Entry

The name of the user mount, as it will appear in your management menu.

This is required to save the user mount
If you have come from the edit button, any changes here will also change the original animation mount, not duplicate.

5) Shared Model Entry

The directory of the model you would like to include across all gender animations. You can either paste this directory in or use the file viewer.

6) Male Model Entry

The directory of the model you would like to include across any male animations. You can either paste this directory in or use the file viewer.

7) Female Model Entry

The directory of the model you would like to include across any female animations. You can either paste this directory in or use the file viewer.

8) Zombie Model Entry

The directory of the model you would like to include across any zombie-core animations. You can either paste this directory in or use the file viewer.

9) Context Menu

Used to easily set the currently selected model to one of the mount directories. Accessed by right clicking a model entry in the file viewer.

10) Save Button

Used to save your user mount to take with you. This will save directly on your PC and will be mounted whenever you load Garry's Mod. By default, the mount will be disabled.

Only a single animation model is needed to save, but the name is mandatory

11) Cancel Button

Used to exit out without applying any changes to the preferences, on any tab.

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