YOU can create your own Custom Blade for ALCS with your own custom image!
Your Blade Image will need to be converted to a VTF and have a corresponding VMT, along with creating a Blade Type in DEFAULT_BLADES.lua in your WOS directory.
You will also need to create a workshop addon for your VMT and VTF to allow players to load them as well.
See below Guide on how to add your Custom Blade for ALCS to your server.
You can use a large image for a better looking blade while following the 64 width and 512 height for a large detailed resolution.
It is best to have the image a PNG with an alpha channel before converting it to a VTF. You can use free version of Photoshop called Gimp.
You will use VTFEDIT to convert the image to VTF.
examples on how to do this are everywhere and a simple matter of "importing" your image to the vtf and saving it in the folder directory.
You will need to add the VTF and corresponding VMT to a workshop addon to ensure both the client and server have it loaded.
It is best to follow the current directory to be inline with Wiltos standards.
Example: materials\wos\lightsabers\blades\yourbladefolder
Here is an example of an animated VMT
You can experiment with different settings in the VMT
You will enter the location and name of the VMT in the Blade type under DEFAULT BLADES in your Wiltos files in the following directory Addons/wos-sentinel-swrp/lua/wos/advswl/lightsaber/blades.
When entering information for your WILTOS Item, you can enter blade type.
**For your individual Item, such as a Crystal, Hilt, Proficiency Mode, you can even place the blade type along with Igniters and Idles, you will use wep.CustomSettings[ "Blade" ].
ITEM.OnEquip = function( wep )
Entering a Custom Blade in your ITEM
wep.CustomSettings[ "Blade" ] = "Mastered"
**For your individual SWEP such as a Gamemaster Lightsaber or Emperor Lightsaber, you will use SWEP.CustomSettings[ "Blade" ] to have it draw your blade.
Entering a Custom Blade in your SWEP
SWEP.CustomSettings[ "Blade" ] = "Mastered"
You will need to restart your server and possibly relaunch GMOD in order to see the updated blades clientside. Equip your item or SWEP Lightsaber you created with your custom Blade as the Blade Type and enjoy!