You can see a list of default dueling spirits under dueling/artifacts/default_artifacts.lua
. If you want to create your own custom dueling spirits, it is advisable to do this in a new file under the /artifacts/
Name = "Sigma's Superiority", -- Name of the artifact
Description = "Bask in the glory of the almighty Sigma", -- Description of the artifact
RarityName = "Legendary", -- Rarity Name
RarityColor = Color( 255, 125, 0 ), -- Rarity Color
Model = "models/artifacts/sigmassuperiority", -- Artifact ModelID
DropRequirement = 5, -- Ascension level required to drop this artifact
OnSpawn = function( ply ) --
ply:AddArtifactSkill( "Combat", 1, 1 ) -- Give a skill tree perk
ply:SetMaxHealth( ply:GetMaxHealth() * 1.2 ) -- Increase their max health by 20%
ply:SetHealth( ply:GetMaxHealth() ) -- Restore them to full health