You are missing the content files, so subscribe to all of the ones listed in this article: Required Content
Your server's tickrate is below the recommended amount of 33 with saber lunging enabled, raise the server's tickrate, or see the following article to disable lunging:
You more than likely have a conflicting iAnim addon installed. The most common addon for this issue is Prone Mod. Disable all of the iAnim addon's and then reboot the server.
You have other animation extensions interfering with the original anim packs, try uninstalling extra content packs
There are two reasons this could occur.
This is caused by having the default RobotBoy lightsabers installed, uninstall these from your server and restart. This should fix the issue.
This usually means your missing content, ensure the Required Content is available on both your server and client
There are two reasons this usually occurs.
The link to the conflicting addon is here:
There is usually only one problem here.