whitelisting issues

If you having issues with your whitelisting you can run through the following steps to try to figure out what's wrong

Verifying the DLL

First, you'll want to verify the Correct DLLs are in garrysmod/lua/bin.

If you're unsure about what DLL to use, in your server console type
lua_run print("IS LINUX: " .. tostring(system.IsLinux())) it should return IS LINUX: True for linux and IS LINUX: False for windows.

For Windows: Windows Dependencies

Double Checking your IP Address

Verify the IP Address using: lua_run print("IP Address: " .. tostring(game.GetIPAddress())). You'll want to ensure this IP address matches the ones you gave in your ticket.

Are you Using the 64 bit version of Garry's mod?

You can check by trying this in your server console lua_run print("Your server is running: ", jit.os, jit.arch)

If you see x64 and are running x86_64 branch, use the x64 binary for your operating system, otherwise use the regular binary. If you are meant to be on x86_64 please make sure you use the right srcds_run_x64 launcher

Checking your Connection to Steam

If you're still having issues after running through these steps you will want to double-check that you have a valid GSLT Theres a wonderful article on the Gmod Wiki about setting this up.

Still having issues?

If your still having issues after this please open a ticket.

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